Thursday, January 13, 2022

gone milking

Every picture tells a story No. 20

Hedwig, the little girl with the Pippi Longstocking vibe outside Wilhelm Geppert's bakery, grew up and started working on farms, milking cows, killing and plucking geese, that sort of thing. She started working as a nanny aged 14, then from age 15 worked as a farm helper in places like Zadel and Hedwigswalde, with just one short stint as a domestic servant in between.

Here she is apparently on her way to do some milking:

except that the photo appears to be part of a series (watch out for the sieve leaning against the wall to correlate the images), which at one point was invaded by a horse:

This photo is also on flickr.

Every picture tells a story series so far:

  1. string quartet Wuppertal Elberfeld 1927
  2. greetings from Adamsweiler
  3. Gastwirthschaft Ferd. Weirich
  4. quartet times three
  5. Neumühl 1923
  6. Tangermünde railway station 1889
  7. a singing lesson
  8. bei Wilhelm Geppert
  9. a bakery at Lorsch 1900
  10. Consumgeschäft von Julius Düsselmann
  11. Hanna and Ruth
  12. a young chemist
  13. school's out at Reichenstein, 1886
  14. a patchwork family in East Prussia
  15. the case of the missing grandmother
  16. checkpoint Glaner Brücke 1929(ish)
  17. finding Mimi
  18. five sisters, five decades
  19. happy at home
  20. gone milking

Alternatively, you can use this twitter thread as an illustrated table of contents.

In a somewhat roundabout way, this series relates to my research for the family history music memoir I'm writing.

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