Monday, October 13, 2014

Klundt Clan

Migration in my family tree normally works like this – direct ancestors coming in (eg from Wallonia), and aunts/uncles going out (eg to Brazil). There is one married couple of direct ancestors, however, who emigrated to Russia and stayed there for the rest of their lives (to make matters worse, many of their great-grandchildren later emigrated to the US). Fortunately, their firstborn son and his family stayed in Germany, otherwise I wouldn’t be here now and you might be staring at an empty screen. So here comes a story of fearless migrants and wine makers:

Johannes Klundt was born November 2nd 1759 in Wollmesheim, a village near Landau in the Southern Palatinate, a traditional wine growing region, the second of five children of Konrad Klundt and Maria Johanna Bodang (this name appears to be a palatinate distortion of the French name Bonnedame). His parents had a very small vineyard there (just half a hectare), and some 3.5 ha other agricultural land. Splitting this between him and his older brother would have left too little for either party to survive.

Johannes married Eva Hust (1762-1837) in 1781 – she may also have a migration background, as the name Hust is almost non-existent in Germany, but there are lots of them in France and Belgium. They had five sons and a daughter, born between 1782 and 1805.

Moving out

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Russian Tsars actively encouraged settlers from southwest Germany to move to the Odessa area at north coast of the Black Sea, which was then a new addition to the Russian empire and is today part of Ukraine. A village called Rohrbach (today: Новосвітлівка - Novosvitlivka), some 120 km north-northeast of Odessa, was built in 1805 and the first German settlers arrived there in 1806. My ancestors Johannes Klundt and Eva Hust got there in 1809, after a journey of 80 days, most of which was done by ship (specifically, in improvised wooden boxes that were used one-way only) down the Danube.


So who came along and who stayed behind? When Johannes Klundt left, his parents were no longer alive. We know that of his five sons, the first one, Johann Jacob (1782-1853; my four-times-great-grandfather), stayed behind. He had already set up his own family in nearby Godramstein, with his wife Katharina Barbara Müller (1781-1813) from that village and his son Georg Nicolas (1805-1851) who was to become a farmer and wine maker.

The second, Wilhelm (* 1785) was still unmarried and came along. Their only daughter Eva Catharina (* 1792) and two younger sons, Heinrich (1797-1851) and Johann Michael (1801-1876) were still children when the Klundts emigrated, so they came along by default and lived their lives in the German colony near the Black Sea. We don’t know what happened to the other son.

Johannes’s older brother Johann Jacob (1756-XXX) presumably inherited the modest house and land of Konrad Klundt and worked as a cooper and farmer. (There are two family vineyards called Klundt in neighbouring Mörzheim today (led by Sven Klundt and Walter Klundt), but we’re not sure exactly how they are related to this family.)

Intriguingly, one of the many Klundt descendants in Rohrbach, Heinrich’s granddaughter Katherina Klundt (1857-1949) later married a man called Johann Hust, who was also born in Rohrbach, which makes me think that a brother or cousin of our Eva Hust may have emigrated together with the Klundt family. We don't really know much about Eva Hust's family at all, except the names of her parents, so we don't know whom she left behind or may have taken along for the ride.

The four children who came along to Rohrbach between them provided Johannes and Eva with 26 grandchildren, who all (except one) appear to have stayed in the Odessa area all their lives. (Intriguingly the three sons contributed 13 grandsons carrying the name onwards). When Johannes died in 1833, and Eva in 1837, they left behind a healthy and thriving clan that seemed to have established itself in its now environment.

The village economy in general seemed to be doing well in those times, according to this report. Villagers grew large amounts of wheat, but also held sheep and produced some wine. The population of the village grew from 602 in 1816 to 1581 in 1859.

Moving on

From 1871 onwards (with a ten-year transition period), the colonists lost the privileges that they had enjoyed for two generations, and life on the Black Sea suddenly looked a lot less attractive. Apart from the loss of financial incentives, the young men were also facing the obligation of six years service in the Russian army. Thousands of German settlers emigrated again. The population of Rohrbach peaked in 1894, then dropped by a third, mainly as a consequence of migration to the US. Of the more than 60 great-grandchildren of our founding couple, at least 12 emigrated to the US, where they kept the reproduction rate up, so there must be hundreds of descendants of the Klundt families from Rohrbach in the US and also in some other parts of the world. They are listed here by a descendant of Heinrich and here by a descendant of Eva, but I haven't counted.

In 1884, Jacob Klundt (1855-1939), the eldest of Johannes's great-grandchildren, and his wife Maria Lutz (1854-1939) with their children (three were born in Russia, but not sure if all three survived) took the lead and emigrated to Mitchell County, South Dakota. Then they moved to the city of Alexander, South Dakota. Jacob’s mother, Juliana Kulatus (1835-1925), five brothers and one sister, Katherina (the one who married Johann Hust) joined them there in 1889. As the remaining three siblings and their father Heinrich Klundt had died before the emigration, this means the entire surviving clan moved to the US, where Juliana became a proud grandmother of 50. A bunch of Johann Michael’s grandchildren also emigrated to the US between 1893 and 1907, as did a few scattered individuals and families across the board. They had a lucky escape, because the 20th century held disaster in store for those settler families who stayed in Russia.

In 1889, the combined Klundt families moved to Dakem, North Dakota, on three covered wagons. During the years in South and North Dakota, Jacob Klundt and Maria Lutz had another eight children. They tried to establish a farming business there, but found the climate too different from what they were used to on the shores of the Black Sea.

Thus, in 1902, Jacob’s family (with ten children) migrated further west to Franklin County, Washington, where they bought land near the Snake River, north of the town of Walla Walla, from a Mr Page – after whom the location was named in 1903. Conrad’s family followed them, while Katherina and the other brothers stayed in North Dakota.

Until 1919, the Klundts ran a ferry across the river as well as their farm. Jacob’s son Charles Klundt became the first postmaster of Page when a post office was installed in 1903, later to be followed by two of his brothers.

The Klundts also set up a shop, a church, and fisheries. They also established a modest vineyard of two acres and actually produced wine. This makes me think that they probably handed down their wine-making traditions over the generations since they left the palatinate, and also grew vines in Rohrbach. For a more detailed account of their lives in the US, see the historical sketch provided on this page. The village of Page no longer exists, sadly, as it disappeared under water in 1961, when a dam was built on the Snake River. But there are a lot of vines growing on the slopes near the Snake river nowadays, and maybe the Klundts have something to do with that.

So the bottom line is I have every excuse to obsess about wine, it runs in or veins …

Note: Alternative spellings of the name in old records include Clund, Klund, Chlundt.


Mihai said...

Great to hear your story. I can bring you some more info.

Johannes Klundt and Eva Hust - the two who emigrated in Russia founding Rohrbach colony had, as you said, five children. The smaller was Georg Michael Klundt, born in 1805. He got married in Rohrbach with Elizabeth Feicht în 1836, having two daughter and one son. This was Jakob Klundt, born in Rohrbach in 1839. In 1841 or 1843 (there are different sources) seven families from Rohrbach moved to East to a quite new established colony (less than 10 yrs old), called Neu-Danzig. Back in Rohrbach they had a Reformed pastor, Johannes Bonekemper. This is a famous person, because he spread „Bibelstunde” practices in Southern Russia. That became a spiritual revival called „stundist movement”. The seven families took that revival to Neu Danzig - colony who had a very bad reputation. Everyone was drunkard, lazy, wilt low moral values.

In 1864 a group of people from New Danzig became Baptists - among of them were Georg and his son Jakob. Baptist faith was illegal in Russia. Two years later, in the summer of 1866, Jakob Klundt, his family and about 10-12 other families went in Turkey, to avoid to be deported in Siberia by the government. They established a Baptist Church in Katalui / Cataloi, which was a German colony, close to Danube Delta. In a short time almost everyone in the colony became Baptist. Cataloi is now in Romania. Jakob Klundt and another German man were founders of a Russian-German Church in the town of Tulcea, several miles from Katalui. That is the Church where my wife grew up!

In 1872, Jakob Klundt was recruited by British and Foreign Bible Society as a Bible colporteur for Bulgaria and part of Macedonia and Albania. Later he worked only in Bulgaria, having its base in Lompalanka, now Lom, a town on Danube. There he planted a Baptist Church, building a chapel which still exists. He had a missionary spirit and had a hard life. Two kids died because of cholera or something like that. He retired around 1900 from colportage but continued to pastor the Church. I think he was survived only by one or more daughters, no any son. He died around 1921 in Bulgaria.

If I remember right, his father followed him to Katalui several years later and he died and was buried in that village.

For any question, please write me at mihai@prologos[dot]ro

Mihai said...

Great to hear your story. I can bring you some more info.

Johannes Klundt and Eva Hust - the two who emigrated in Russia founding Rohrbach colony had, as you said, five children. The smaller was Georg Michael Klundt, born in 1805. He got married in Rohrbach with Elizabeth Feicht în 1836, having two daughter and one son. This was Jakob Klundt, born in Rohrbach in 1839. In 1841 or 1843 (there are different sources) seven families from Rohrbach moved to East to a quite new established colony (less than 10 yrs old), called Neu-Danzig. Back in Rohrbach they had a Reformed pastor, Johannes Bonekemper. This is a famous person, because he spread „Bibelstunde” practices in Southern Russia. That became a spiritual revival called „stundist movement”. The seven families took that revival to Neu Danzig - colony who had a very bad reputation. Everyone was drunkard, lazy, wilt low moral values.

In 1864 a group of people from New Danzig became Baptists - among of them were Georg and his son Jakob. Baptist faith was illegal in Russia. Two years later, in the summer of 1866, Jakob Klundt, his family and about 10-12 other families went in Turkey, to avoid to be deported in Siberia by the government. They established a Baptist Church in Katalui / Cataloi, which was a German colony, close to Danube Delta. In a short time almost everyone in the colony became Baptist. Cataloi is now in Romania. Jakob Klundt and another German man were founders of a Russian-German Church in the town of Tulcea, several miles from Katalui. That is the Church where my wife grew up!

In 1872, Jakob Klundt was recruited by British and Foreign Bible Society as a Bible colporteur for Bulgaria and part of Macedonia and Albania. Later he worked only in Bulgaria, having its base in Lompalanka, now Lom, a town on Danube. There he planted a Baptist Church, building a chapel which still exists. He had a missionary spirit and had a hard life. Two kids died because of cholera or something like that. He retired around 1900 from colportage but continued to pastor the Church. I think he was survived only by one or more daughters, no any son. He died around 1921 in Bulgaria.

If I remember right, his father followed him to Katalui several years later and he died and was buried in that village.

For any question, please write me at mihai@prologos[dot]ro

Kevin said...

I am a great grandson of Jacob Klundt and Maria Lutz. I have done some research on my ancestors, and am interested in learning more. It sounds like you may have some great records. If so, would you be willing to share this information?

An email reply would be appreciated.

Kevin Klundt

L Mc said...

Glad I ran across this.. I am descended from Heinrich Klundt and Juliana Kulatus son Christian. I live in Idaho. This helps fill in some details missing from my Mom's genealogy. Thank you Lisa

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am descendant from Friedrich Klundt (born in Rohrbach, Russia around 1928). He and his parents were deported to Siberia after WW2, in the late 80's he immigrated back to Germany. He had two sons Erich and Valerij, he died of covid. His grandchildren are living now in Russia and Germany.

Michael said...

Hi there, thanks for sharing, that's amazing, I wasn't specifically aware of any Klundts remaining in Rohrbach as late as that. Quick check of Uwe Zimbelmann's amazing database reveals an Eduard Klundt born Rohrbach 1924 - could be a brother to your ancestor? If so, you could click your way back from him to discover more ancestors: Eduard's grandfather was also a Friedrich so that would make sense. Oops I see the name line ends with that grandfather Friedrich, and I can't find him in my records of descendants, but there are branches that I haven't listed completely so may be worth digging. Also, that grandfather Friedrich married a Johanna Zimbelmann so you're bound to find lots of relatives in the Zimbelmann database.