Sunday, June 02, 2019

caterpillar book

After books with platypus, gecko, and raccoon as their mascots, the next one will star an insect, namely the tobacco hornworm / tobacco hawk moth (Manduca sexta), which has a remarkable resistance to nicotine. I have a strong suspicion that Lewis Carroll had this species in mind when he invented the hookah-smoking caterpillar that confuses Alice with unhelpful answers in Alice's adventures in Wonderland, so I suggested to use an Alice illustration for the cover, which will now look like this:

The book is the second collection of my regular fun-poking pieces in Nachrichten aus der Chemie covering roughly the second decade of this activity. The first is in the volume: 9 Millionen Fahrräder am Rande des Universums.

I've started building a new page on my website for the new book, where further details will emerge with time. Watch this space.

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