Thursday, August 08, 2019

science news 8.8.2019

Today's selection of science news. Links are normally to press releases on EurekAlert (at the bottom end I may also add a couple of newspaper stories). I include quotes from the summary (using quotation marks) in cases where the title alone doesn't reveal what the story is about. My own thoughts appear without quotation marks, if I have any.


New insights into the origin of life
"... energetically feasible interactions between just two small molecules -- hydrogen cyanide and water -- could give rise to most of the important precursors of RNA and proteins."


Blue sharks use eddies for fast track to food

Blue sharks are considered a "near threatened" species due to heavy fishing pressure on populations across the globe.
Credit: Nuna Sá


Fast-food availability near commute route linked to BMI

33% of new childhood asthma cases in europe attributable to air pollution

Air pollution cuts are saving lives in New York state
"Lower air pollution levels saved an estimated 5,660 lives in New York State in 2012, compared to 2002 levels, according to a new study."

Marijuana legalization reduces opioid deaths


From the news media

Ooooooh, green-glowing sharks, lovely!

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