Monday, August 05, 2024

the AI tipping point is nigh

I am slightly allergic to the whole AI hype and the tendency to use it for everything regardless of risks and side effects (a hundred years ago it was radium). So I successfully avoided writing about it, but recently the news about new data centres for AI and their exorbitant carbon footprint piled up and that at least is an angle worth reporting, I thought.

So here goes, entirely written by my own two hands, no AI involved:

The artificial intelligence tipping point

Current Biology Volume 34, Issue 15, 5 August 2024, Pages R709-R711

Restricted access to full text and PDF download
(will become open access one year after publication)

Magic link for free access
(first seven weeks only)

See also my new Mastodon thread where I will highlight all this year's CB features.

Last year's thread is here .

The rapid expansion of data centre facilities built to serve the demand of AI applications is at risk of endangering energy supplies and climate policies. (Photo:

other recent (anti) AI news published after I submitted my feature:

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