And there won’t be any trains London-bound tomorrow either, nor for the rest of the week, nor next Monday in fact.
I understand that Network Rail (the one part of the railways still controlled by the government) need to do some work on the tracks from time to time, but I seem to remember from elsewhere that between major cities there are often two or more tracks running in parallel, so you can still use one while you repair the other. I also have a vague memory that other places have power cables above the lines so they can run trains with electricity and don’t have to transport all that Diesel around, and they can also reuse the brake energy. I’m wondering whether these innovations will ever reach this area …
PS: The Guardian reports that only 5 of the 25 rail companies around the country are running any service at all today. Very depressing.
That's ridiculous that there are no trains! One would think that Boxing Day would be a major day for travelling.
my sentiment exactly. Over in Germany, my daughters have travelled from one grandparental household to another by train on boxing day. Both ends of the journey were remote small town stations, but there was an hourly service throughout the day ...
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