Saturday, August 17, 2024

a river landscape

Somebody in Düsseldorf put an actual oil painting out with their bins this week and I liked the look of it when I cycled past it, so I am now the proud owner of a landscape by Jakob Weitz (1888-1971) which looks like this:

It measures 40cm x 50cm and came with a bulky frame which isn't quite to my taste so I took that off to hang it just as the canvas (with the light wood frame underneath on which it was painted). The canvas has two bumps, a big one in the clouds which is interesting as it makes the clouds look more real, and a smaller more inconspicuous one in the landscape which also involves a little bit of tear. I'm wondering if it may become a bit more luminous if I try to wash the surface. Then again the paint is cracking in places so humidity may get in?

When I saw it by the roadside I thought the riverside landscape looked like it might be near here and my first thought was Volmerswerth, on the southern edge of the city. However, a bit of DuckDuckGo research (Google had fewer relevant results) revealed a similar painting by the same artist, which is captioned as Kaiserswerth, so that is still on the edge of Düsseldorf but on the opposite end, downstream from the city centre.

Hotlinking here to contrast and compare:

A few other paintings by this artist are shown on this auction site. Nothing to raise a gasp from the Antiques Roadshow audience, but some of them come with estimates of a few hundred euros.

1 comment:

Shauneen said...

Lovely,glad it found someone who appreciates it 😀