Monday, September 09, 2024

a silent summer

This summer, I was quite spooked by the total absence of wasps around here, and after I read that they have also been missing elsewhere in the UK, that was a good enough excuse to write up a feature on their ecological importance. And start it in my own garden.

The wonderful world of wasps

Current Biology Volume 34, Issue 17, 9 September 2024, Pages R795-R797

Restricted access to full text and PDF download
(will become open access one year after publication)

Magic link for free access
(first seven weeks only)

See also my new Mastodon thread where I will highlight all this year's CB features.

Last year's thread is here .

The common wasp (Vespula vulgaris) is widely seen as a nuisance, especially in the late summer, when its workers are desperate for sugary food. (Photo: © Roman Eisele (CC BY-SA 4.0).)

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