Thursday, August 17, 2023

a colourful collection

In the 1950s and 60s, my grandparents bought and read loads of paperbacks including the iconic rororo ones with the cloth strip round the spine - easy to spot on any shelf. Their collection of several hundred volumes of this series still resides in the house where they lived in the 1960s through to the 1980s, but in the last few years I was worried it might go awol and therefore started building a collection of my own with the rororo paperbacks I found at street libraries in Düsseldorf and further afield. I just love the cover designs.

My grandparents left a typescript list of their collection (up to number 5,000 which must have been in the 70s and a while after they stopped using the cloth backs), and my collection is now reaching the point where I have to produce a list too, such as not to lose the overview. I'll note the date when it was first published, and also if my copy is a first edition. Where my collection overlaps with that of my grandparents, I put the number in bold (there's not that much overlap).

So here's the family portrait (in numerical order):

(compare and contrast with the photos of my grandparents' collection below)

... and here's the list:
__4 Kurt Tucholsky: Schloss Gripsholm (first published May 1950)
_11 Graham Greene: Orientexpress (9/1950)
_25 Betty McDonald: Das Ei und ich (first ed. 3/1951)
_29 Honore de Balzac: Die Frau von dreissig Jahren (first ed. 5/1951)
_39/40 AJ Cronin: Die Zitadelle (first ed. 11/1951)
_41 Pearl S. Buck: Ostwind-Westwind (9/1951
_50 rororoTucholsky (3/1952) - a selection of Tucholsky's writings obviously in celebration of the 50th volume, in just two years.
_65 Allen Roy Evans: Der Zug der Renntiere (10/1952
_70 Bruno Frank: Cervantes (12/1952)
_89 Gabor von Vaszary: Wenn man Freunde hat, Pariser Geschichten (8/1953)
_92 Nancy Mitford: Liebe eisgekühlt (first ed. 9/1953)
127 AJ Cronin: Der spanische Gärtner (10/1954)
133 Tania Blixen: Afrika, dunkel lockende Welt (12/1954)
145 Richard Mason: Denn der Wind kann nicht lesen (4/1955)
151 Jean Duché: Drei unter einem Dach (6/1955)
170 Wolfgang Borchert: Draußen vor der Tür (1/1956)
176 Richard Gordon: Aber Herr Doktor! (3/1956)
192 Alain Fournier: Der große Kamerad (first ed. 8/1956) - Le grand Meaulnes
197 Damon Runyon: Schwere Jungen, leichte Mädchen (first ed. 9/1956)
201 Friedrich Sieburg: Blick durchs Fenster (11/1956)
212 Jean Hougron: Das Mädchen von Saigon (first ed. 2/1957)
225 Heinrich Spoerl: wenn wir alle Engel wären (6/1957)
233 Richard Gordon: Hilfe! Der Doktor kommt (9/1957)
248 Peter Fleming: Brasilianisches Abenteuer (first ed. 1/1958)
251 Allen Roy Evans: Wind über weißen Wegen (first ed. 2/1958)
285/286 Jules Romain: Der Gott des Fleisches (first ed. 11/1958
290 Allen Roy Evans: Ein glückliches Paar (first ed. 12/1958)
295 Richard Gordon: Käpt'n Ebbs, Seebär und Salonlöwe (first ed. 1/1959)
305 Pierre Boulle: Die Kehrseite der Medaille (first ed. 4/1959)
330 Leo Slezak: Der Wortbruch (first ed. 10/1959)
337 Richard Mason: Schatten über den Blauen Bergen (12/1959)
339 Marcel Ayme: Der Mann, der durch die Wand gehen konnte (first ed. 12/1959)
376 AJ Cronin: Das Licht (first ed. 9/1960) includes ad for cigarettes at the front!
448 Friedrich Dürrenmatt: Der Verdacht (first ed. 10/1961)

UPDATE 24.9. Added three titles found on my latest visit, numbers 39/40, 50 and 197. The first two also present in my grandparents' collection I never liked the way they designed the double volume to look like two books.

UPDATE 25.2.2024 Added four titles: 41, 65, 285/286, 339

Here are some from my grandparents' collection:

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