Sunday, August 20, 2023

a crazy life

some thoughts on

Uschi Obermaier, Olaf Kraemer

High Times – Mein wildes Leben

Heyne 2008

This is one of the many books I discovered at Düsseldorf’s street libraries and enjoyed even though it would never have occurred to me to look for them or buy them. Our heroine was a household name in the 1970s as I was growing up. She was present with glamorous photos in Stern magazine and everywhere else especially after her participation in the famous Kommune I, the flagship commune of the 1968 movement.

The memoir written down by coauthor Olaf Kraemer based on interviews adds more material I wasn’t aware of including on-off relationships with two Rolling Stones and adventures around the world in a hippie van with a shady guy from Hamburg’s red light district. This van related part of the story was less interesting to me and maybe less relevant to world history, but all in all, one could say, never a dull moment. And her perspective on 1968 and the music scene is an interesting addition to the more official historical record.

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