Monday, January 08, 2024

highway to hell

The first time I wrote something along the lines of we need to stop pumping so much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was in 1989 - so that will have a 35th anniversary some time this year. But does anybody listen? Year after year it gets more and more depressing to see all these climate summits going by that effectively don't address the problem. COP28 happening at a petrol state for the petrol states was probably the most depressing one so far, but I'm sure Azerbaidjan is poised to beat that record.

In the final days of the summit, I channelled all that rage into another climate feature, and I borrowed Antonio Gutierres's lovely quote from last year for the title:

On the highway to climate hell

Current Biology Volume 34, Issue 1, 8 January 2024, Pages R1-R3

FREE access to full text and PDF download

See also my Mastodon thread where I highlighted all CB features of 2024.

Dubai, UAE hosted the COP28 climate summit, which called for a “transition away” from fossil fuels but did not show a way to make it happen. (Photo: © Jen Houston.)

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