Monday, May 20, 2024

all about sand

Ahead of the (Northern hemisphere) summer holiday season, I've had a look at the problems around the supply of sand both for beaches and for the concrete infrastructure growing alongside them. The resulting feature is out now:

Trouble on the beaches

Current Biology Volume 34, Issue 10, 20 May 2024, Pages R473-R475

Restricted access to full text and PDF download
(will become open access one year after publication)

Magic link for free access
(first seven weeks only)

See also my new Mastodon thread where I will highlight all this year's CB features.

Last year's thread is here .

Sandy beaches popular with many millions of holiday makers may look like a permanent natural feature, but many of them need replenishing with sand transfers. (Photo: maczopikczu/Wikimedia Commons (CC BY 3.0 Deed).)

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