Monday, July 01, 2024

ecology book coming soon

New book alert!

Over the last 13 years, as I have been writing a feature for (almost) every issue of Current Biology, the focus of my writing work gravitated towards topics that could be described as ecology in the broadest sense, ranging from microbial interactions to global nutrient cycles and also including the fringes of ecology such as human interference in nature, soundscape ecology, behavioural ecology etc.

True to my ancient motto "Only connect!" I was often attracted to these topics by the satisfaction of uncovering how everything is connected to everything else. Over time, more than 300 features have piled up and grown into a heavily connected and crosslinked body of texts. Even though the vast majority of these (everything older than 12 months) are openly accessible to all, I fear that not many people will click their way through these.

Therefore, I attempted to remix some of the lessons I have learned in these years into book format. The resulting 400 page doorstopper is now on track to be published on October 15 by Johns Hopkins University Press (who have also published Astrobiology in 3 editions over the last 18 years). So expect more plugs, excerpts, blatant advertising, as the date approches. Here, as a teaser, I'll just share a glimpse of the lovely cover (and thereby also reveal the title):

Cover of the book Intertwined: From Insects to Icebergs

Cover of
From Insects to Icebergs
by Michael Gross
Johns Hopkins University Press October 2024