So let's start with a master post sorting reviews by language (and maybe I'll introduce a new tag for each language, as I have already done for Galician), starting with the Romance languages which I am more interested in than in the Germanic ones:
(tagged biblioteca galega)
María Reimóndez: O club de calceta
Anxos Sumai: Así nacen as baleas, Galaxia 2007
Santiago Lopo: Hora Zulu, Galaxia 2012
Santiago Lopo: A arte de trobar, Xerais 2017
(libros en español)
Isabel Allende: Más allá del invierno
Gioconda Belli: El país de las mujeres (2010)
Almudena Grandes: Castillos de cartón
Mario Vargas Llosa: El sueño del Celta
Elvira Valgañón: Luna cornata Sobrelamesa Ediciones 2007
Gioconda Belli: La mujer habitada
Gioconda Belli: El pergamino de la seduccion
Alicia Yanez Cossio: El Cristo feo
(livres en français)
Dai Sijie: Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise (2000)
Katherine Pancol: Bed bug (2019)
Leila Slimani: Dans le jardin de l'ogre
Anne Golon: Angélique, Marquise des Anges
Jean-Yves Ferri, Didier Conrad: Asterix - Le papyrus de César (2015)
Anna Gavalda: Ensemble, c'est tout
Alain Mabanckou: Verre Cassé
Ursula Le Guin: Lavinia
Laila Lalami: The Moor’s account
Esther Freud: Lucky break
Sefi Atta: Swallow Interlink 2010
Jennifer L. Rohn: The Honest Look Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 2010
Weam Namou: The feminine art Hermiz Publishing 2004
Jennifer L. Rohn: Experimental heart Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 2009
Esther Freud: Love Falls 2007
Salman Rushdie: The enchantress of Florence Jonathan Cape 2008
Belle de Jour: The intimate adventures of a London call girl Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2005
Megan Clark: Seduce me Kensington Books 2008
Daniel Kehlmann: Die Vermessung der Welt
Translations from other languages
Hong Ying: K - the art of love
Oh well that is an eclectic old list. And I should definitely review more French novels ...
In the meantime, here's my little Galician library:
PS I'm still adding a couple of links to more recent reviews but will at some point (end 2020?) leave it alone, lest it grows to become unmanageable. After that I might try and do a reviews master post at the end of every calendar year. Watch this space.
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