Thursday, March 21, 2024

more grandchildren

Every picture tells a story, season 3, picture 15
(season 3 now carrying on after a break due to the 100 years of cellotude series):

We have seen Frieda the pianist as a grandmother with the first three children of her oldest daughter here, but there were more grandchildren to come. A total of six were born in her lifetime, and another three (including me) postumously. Among the six she knew I am struggling to tell the four boys apart (their fathers were also brothers, and they were very close in age), so I'm hoping that I've captured everybody with the pictures below. First a series of three with Frieda stuck on the same chair while various children crawl on and off her:

By the way I haven't figured out where this is - will report back on that.

And here's some outdoor fun by the fire, although I'm not sure Frieda is enjoying it as much as everybody else.

Should anybody have any answers to some of the many questions I am raising in this series, please leave a comment here (I'll need to vet it, so it may take a few days before it goes public) or contact me at michaelgrr [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk

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Season 3 so far:

  1. family holiday
  2. play time
  3. fashion show
  4. bakery to butcher's shop
  5. the Hamborn brotherhood
  6. all grown up
  7. sisters in the snow
  8. the last holiday
  9. village life
  10. family reshuffle
  11. push bike
  12. mystery trio
  13. confirmands at Hamborn
  14. streets of Hamborn
  15. more grandchildren

The Mastodon thread for season 3 is here.

You can find Season 2 entries in this thread on Mastodon (complete now!) or via the list at the bottom of the last entry of the season (and also at the bottom of the first entry of this season).

The twitter thread for season 1 is still here. Alternatively, visit the last instalment and find the numbered list of entries at the bottom.

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