Thursday, October 05, 2023

family holiday

Every picture tells a story, season 3, picture 1:

In August 1953, Ruth, Richard and their children took their second ever (and last) whole-family holiday trip to Kiefersfelden, Allgäu. They travelled there by train (a special holiday train, so there wouldn't have been much hassle with connections), as they still lived in Idar-Oberstein and didn't have a car.

Richard obviously took this photo of the other three on the summit of one of the surrounding mountains. I think this may be one of the many peaks of the Kaiser Mountains, but I have no idea which one. I recognise the "Wilder Kaiser" (wild emperor) as a term that was used in the family, but even that covers several peaks. And now I learned that there is also a tame emperor, which may be more accessible for a family group, but that term also covers several peaks.

... and then this one on the way down:

Should anybody have any answers to some of the many questions I am raising in this series, please leave a comment here (I'll need to vet it, so it may take a few days before it goes public) or contact me at michaelgrr [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk

Navigation tools:

With this post I'm starting season 3 so nothing to navigate yet, but here this is the table of contents of the entire second season:

  1. could be a cousin
  2. two weddings in Silesia
  3. off to Canada
  4. off to Australia
  5. a very romantic poet
  6. fireman August
  7. 50 hundredweight of coffee
  8. mysterious Minden people
  9. horses for Hedwig
  10. guessing the great-grandmothers
  11. cousin Charlotte
  12. three sisters from East Prussia
  13. travelling saleswoman
  14. family portrait
  15. dancing chemist
  16. games time
  17. desperately searching Wilhelm
  18. the third Hedwig
  19. patchwork portraits
  20. missing brothers
  21. the oberlehrer's family
  22. a double wedding
  23. mystery solved
  24. young Frieda
  25. old aunts and young children
  26. a semi-mysterious aunt
  27. a gathering at Gellrichs
  28. farm work at Bad Landeck
  29. meet the Weitze family
  30. a post-war wedding
  31. the joy of chemistry
  32. the joy of botany
  33. becoming Frieda
  34. becoming Peter
  35. bakery kids united
  36. the four from the farm
  37. neighbours at Hamborn
  38. family with fowl
  39. the elusive Nagel clan
  40. the house Johanna built

I have now given up on bird site, and switched to logging the entries in a thread on Mastodon (season 2 link) instead. The thread for season 3 starts here.

The twitter thread for season 1 is still here. Alternatively, visit the last instalment and find the numbered list of entries at the bottom.

I'm also adding all photos from this series to my family history album on flickr.

I also should mention from time to time that this whole thing with old photos has been influenced by all the orphaned photos I see on flea markets, and by this little book I found at Oxfam 14 years ago.

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