Monday, January 14, 2019

bobtail squid in starring role

Open Archive Day

Starting its third year now, the Open Archive Day happens on the Mondays between those when new features come out. It highlights one feature that was published more than a year ago and is thus on permanent open access. From 2011 to 2017, there are 160 to choose from now, with two from 2018 joining every month, so I won't get bored soon.

Today's edition stars the Hawaiian bobtail squid, Euprymna scolopes whose genome sequence has just been reported in PNAS (also on open access, apparently). The transparent larvae of this cephalopod represent an important model system for studies of the symbiosis between higher organisms and bioluminescent bacteria. And these bacteria normally coordinate their light production by quorum sensing, which was the topic of my last feature of 2017, which is in the open archive now:

Shining new light on quorum sensing

The adult Hawaiian bobtail squid (Euprymna scolopes) with inset scale.

Image source: Margaret McFall-Ngai - Divining the Essence of Symbiosis: Insights from the Squid-Vibrio Model

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