Monday, April 13, 2020

even harder times for orangutans

Open Archive Day

I am reasonably hopeful that the current coronavirus crisis might scare humanity into doing something about climate change, so it may still turn out saving more lives in the long run than it is costing right now.

However, there may also be collateral damage to the natural world. I heard that the absence of wildlife tourists and rangers has led to an increase in illegal hunting of engangered animals such as rhinos. And there is the risk that the coronavirus, after we have spread it globally, will find some new animals to infect, such as the tiger in the New York zoo. Great apes, for being most similar to ourselves, may be at risk from the disease, and it could even tip some of the endangered species over the brink.

So time to revisit last year's feature about the orangutan, which is now in the open archives:

Hard times for orangutans

still from the banned TV ad "there's a rang-tan in my bedroom" which I mentioned in the feature.

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