Thursday, December 15, 2022

dancing chemist

Every picture tells a story, season 2, picture 15.

I hear it's party season out there (although I'm more in hibernation mode myself), so let's have some party pics. Richard the young chemist managed to survive WW2 guarding some telegraph station near the arctic circle without getting promoted or noted in any form, which is why after the war he got very swiftly got back into teaching and soon became headteacher of the Göttenbach-Gymnasium in Idar-Oberstein (a Gymnasium is a selective secondary school, a bit like grammar schools in the UK). He started there as acting headteacher in 1950, and was promoted to the proper rank of Oberstudiendirektor in 1952.

There are obviously all kinds of photos of him at work and with the teaching staff, but let's have some party pics which I found floating around randomly, so I have no clue what year they were taken, what the party was about, and who the other people were. All hints welcome.

and another one, I think I found both in the same box of random stuff:

NB his other subjects were maths and physics, I just kept the chemist of the season 1 episode because he's wearing a lab coat in these photos.

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Season 2 so far:

  1. could be a cousin
  2. two weddings in Silesia
  3. off to Canada
  4. off to Australia
  5. a very romantic poet
  6. fireman August
  7. 50 hundredweight of coffee
  8. mysterious Minden people
  9. horses for Hedwig
  10. guessing the great-grandmothers
  11. cousin Charlotte
  12. three sisters
  13. travelling saleswoman
  14. family portrait
  15. dancing chemist

The twitter thread for season 2 is here.

As the bird site seems to be going the way of MySpace, I have built a similar thread on Mastodon, which is now up to date.

The twitter thread for season 1 is still here. It only loads 30 tweets at first, so you have to click "show more" a couple of times to get all 40 entries. Alternatively, visit the last instalment and find the numbered list of entries at the bottom.

I'm also adding all photos from this series to my family history album on flickr.

See also my Lost Cities series (which may get an extension at some point).

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